Fal Fishery Cooperative CIC
SPONSOR - A Kilo of Juvenile Native Oysters
SPONSOR - A Kilo of Juvenile Native Oysters
We hate the exploitation of our future populations, so to help us keep them we are asking for you to 'sponsor' or 'adopt' a kilo of juveniles that we will grow on at the site and estimate the reproduction from them over the next 2-3 years
We are purchasing legal but juvenile natives from licence holders, not simply to increase their otherwise poor financial yield, but to prevent unnecessary exploitation when removing the essential biomass from its natural habitat, we can also prove how long it takes to grow to a sustainable age class
By growing them at the aquaculture site your oysters will improve biodiversity and increase biomass densities, and therefore reproduction too
We estimated 11 BILLION larvae were liberated from the 2020-21 research study, with 1 BILLION in 2021-22 and a huge 16 BILLION expected from the Co-op Foundation funded 2022-23 study...
... while we are campaigning for, a maybe a little closer to achieving, an increase to the UK's smallest 'Minimum Landing Size' for native oysters, we are taking the opportunity to store, study and grow the juveniles, so we can then present growth data to the Fal Fishery Management Committee