The Aquaculture Research Site...
The Crew (Volunteers for the Day)
In 2020 we were granted a lease for part of the only aquaculture site on the Fal Estuary, we took out a Bounce Back Loan that enabled us to install the moorings and initial infrastructure needed. But it has been very labour intensive and time consuming...
Despite our best intentions to generate an income to pay the bills, in 2022 a customer went in to liquidation, leaving us with 4 tonnes of sunken queen scallops to clear up... this just about cleared us out of all our funds...
Luckily, the Co-op Foundation awarded us a significant fund from their Carbon Innovation Fund, so we used a small part of this to pay the crew to clear up and start all over again...
In 2020-21 we estimated 10.1 BILLION larvae were liberated form that seasons stock of natives, in 2021-22 just 901 MILLION as we had a terrible season on the fishery, then thanks to the Co-op we estimate 13.9 BILLION will be liberated from the 2022-23 stock... plus this stock will be left to grow on and reproduce for another 2-3 years...
In 2023 we are now looking to purchase the aquaculture vessels (currently on hire) and add some essential equipment to make the handling of several tonnes of shellfish safer, easier and more productive...
... which is why we need your continued support and even the smallest donations, to build on what we have established, while conducting this very time consuming and labour intensive research, and working towards a sustainable and viable industry.
We’re pleased to say your application to the
Aviva Community Fund has been approved. Welcome!
More exciting news coming soon!!